Beschreibung der Beschaffung
On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is supporting the Government of Kenya with the project "Promoting Employment and Entrepreneurship in Turkana West". With a duration of three years (01/22 - 12/2024), the project aims at strengthening the socio-economic self-reliance of youth in the refugee community and the host population in Turkana West. This is achieved through three outputs: Output 1 aims to improve the conditions for socio-economic self-reliance of youth in the refugee community and the host population in Turkana West sub-county; Output 2 (relevant for the tender) aims to improve the access of young people from the refugee community and the host population in Turkana West sub-county to target group-oriented and employment-oriented skills training; Output 3 aims to improve the access of the same target group to business-related services and support.
Under close supervision of the project, the contractor is responsible for achieving Output 2 and the associated output indicators 2.1 and 2.2. To improve the access of young people to target group-oriented employment-promoting qualification measures, the contractor will contribute to strengthening the competencies of trainers and the capacities of local training providers to further develop existing training offers and to introduce higher-quality vocational qualification measures. Existing qualification measures are to be expanded in such a way that they prepare young people for employment or business start-up in a holistic manner. Therefore, the technical content of the qualification measures of local training providers needs to be expanded to include basic skills and entrepreneurship thinking and combined with additional measures such as vocational preparation workshops, starter kits, or continuous mentoring and/ or coaching. Youth groups will also play a role strengthening basic skills (and social cohesion) through the provision of youth activities. To this end, youth groups are supported in their capacity to provide these activities.
To meet local needs as well as possible, qualification measures are focused on two target groups: 1) already pre-qualified young people, and 2) young people without secondary school qualifications (i.e., young people without formal educational background).
Trainees and other participants of qualification measures (Output 2) should be informed and interlinked with relevant services of Output 1 (certification, promotion of access to work permits or business licenses) and Output 3 (business support services).
Relevant key activities in Output 2 include the expansion of holistic qualification offers that prepare young people for (self-employed) employment; the development of a train the trainer module to integrate life skills into technical training; support to local training providers in introducing higher-level vocational qualification measures; support to local training providers in providing needs-based support to encourage young women"s participation; promotion of inclusive youth activities to strengthen life skills and social cohesion.
The associated output indicators 2.1 and 2.2 are described below:
- Indicator 2.1: 7,000 young people, of whom 50% are from the refugee community and 50% from the host population, and of whom 30% are women and 70% are young people with no formal educational background, have successfully participated in employment-generating skills training.
Baseline: 6,212 young people (of whom 4,083 from the refugee community and 2,129 from the host population, and of whom 2,628 women and 3,850 youth without formal educational background)
Target: 7,000 young people (of which 50 % from the refugee community and 50 % from the host population, and of which 30 % are women and 70 % are young people without a formal educational background)
- Indicator 2.2: 5 higher-quality vocational qualification measures that meet the requirements of the local labour market are offered by local training providers.
Baseline: 1 higher-level vocational qualification measure
Target value: 5 higher-level vocational qualification measures
Moreover, the contractor is contributing to the achievement of module objective indicators 1, 2 and 4. The indicators are described below:
- Indicator 1: 80% of the 1,000 participants in employment promotion measures (of whom 50% are refugees and 50% are host populations, and of whom 30% are women overall) confirm the benefit to their individual employability with a score of 2 or 1 after completing the measure.
Baseline: 0 participants (no employability surveys yet)
Target value: 80% of 1,000 participants (of which 50% refugees and 50% host population and of which 30% women overall)
- Indicator 2: 50% of 800 individuals (of whom 50% are refugees and 50% are host population, and of whom 30% are women in total) who participated in income-generating activities have an increase in their income up to 3 months after the end of the activity.
Baseline: 40 people (36 refugees and 4 host population, and of which a total of 10 are women)
Target value: 50% of 800 respondents (of which 50% refugees and 50% host population, and of which 30% women in total)
- Indicator 4: 60% of the 300 young people surveyed from the refugee community (50%) and the host population (50%), including a total of 30% women who have benefited from project measures, confirm that their socio-economic relationships within their group and with representatives of other target groups have improved qualitatively and/or quantitatively in at least 3 out of 4 dimensions.
Baseline: 0 young people interviewed (no survey on socio-economic relations)
Target: 60% of 300 youth surveyed (of which 50% are refugees and 50% are host populations, and of which 30% are women overall)