Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The tender encompasses the activities envisioned under output 3 of the project. It includes the achievement, monitoring and reporting on a project-level target indicator (target indicator 3) and the output indicators of output 3. They are as follows:
Target indicator 3:
25 participants (from national organizations, 40% of them women) which are an active part of the internationally represented knowledge partnerships, document their benefits with one concrete example each within the context of circular economy and greenhouse gas mitigation.
Output 3: Knowledge about sustainable production and consumption patterns in the context of the circular economy has been strengthened
Output indicator 1: 3 internationally knowledge partnerships with national and international representatives are established.
Baseline: 2 knowledge partnerships (there are no institutionalized knowledge partnerships, national organizations use international and regional networks selectively and with little specificity; Comisión Economica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), Camera de Comercio).
Target value: 3 knowledge partnerships established (12/2024).
Output indicator 2: 500 public and private actors (40% women) have successfully participated in training and capacity development formats in the context of circular economy orientation.
Baseline: 0 actors (in some cases, project-funded education and training measures are implemented by other internationally funded programs and/or government agencies).
Target value: 500 actors, of which 40% are women (12/2024).
The contractor is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the complete Output 3. This includes the achievement and monitoring of the above-mentioned indicators as well as the coordination with the other two outputs of the ProUSAR project.
Output 3 focuses on strengthening overall knowledge about sustainable production and consumption patterns in the context of circular economy. For this end, it is envisioned that 3 knowledge partnerships are established across 3 sectors: textile, electric and electronic domestic appliances, as well as plastic and packaging. The knowledge partnerships should provide an interactive place for selected internationally renowned organizations and relevant national public and private actors from the above-mentioned sectors to engage, facilitate specific knowledge transfer and exchange experience regarding the possibility of implementing relevant innovations towards circular economy within the companies in a sustainable way. Knowledge partnerships should be used not only to share experiences, concepts, approaches, strategies, and good practices, but should help to structure pilots and sustain the investment in new business models that are in line with the implementation of a circular economy in Colombia. The range of formats for capacity development and training of public and private actors at all levels of planning, development and implementation of circular-economy measures is complementary. They are aimed at changing behaviour and production patterns (innovative, climate-friendly and resource-efficient products and services) in the productive sector and across the three preselected value chains.
The contractor is in charge of 1) the structuring and establishing 3 functioning knowledge partnerships across the 3 predefined value chains described previously (see above). This includes the identification of suitable and/or existing organisations, initiatives or similar structures that resemble a knowledge partnership and either develop them further or structure them from scratch. For the functioning of the 3 knowledge partnerships, a fruitful exchange of experiences and discussions on the adoption of methods and approaches for the Colombian context, it is necessary that both national and international partners from different fields (e.g., associations, think tanks, academia, NGOs, national, regional, and international organisations, private sector / enterprises, business associations, chambers of commerce) actively and regularly participate in these partnerships. International or regional knowledge partners should be renowned organisations with high degree of expertise in their respective sectors in relation to circular economy aspects.
The contractor is also responsible for 2) the operationalisation of all 3 knowledge partnerships. The contractor not only implements the formats that have been agreed upon, structures and designs for the 3 partnerships but ensures their continuous development and adaptation according to the knowledge partners" needs.
Knowledge partnerships are considered to be established when the access of national representatives to the prepared contents of the knowledge partnerships is guaranteed and an option to organize knowledge exchange of private and public actors exists.