Bedingungen für die Teilnahme (technische und berufliche Fähigkeiten)
ad (2):
Tenderers' references need to comply with the following minimum requirements:
(a) Number of references:
The tenderer (be he a single tenderer or consortium) must submit at least 2 references.
(b) Content:
Each reference project must be sufficiently comparable to the tendered contract in terms of the nature of work, the scope and complexity of tasks and the environment in which the services were rendered. A reference is considered sufficiently comparable to the tendered contract in the above sense, if it demonstrates all of the following:
The tenderer has experience in successfully carrying out assignments dealing either with the verification of proper use of funds or with audits, both including physical inspections.
The assignment reviewed by the tenderer in the reference project was implemented in Turkey by a public sector institution.
(c) Period of execution:
If the reference project is still ongoing, at least 50% of the intended duration of the assignment the reference project refers to must have already elapsed.
If the reference project is already completed, the date of project conclusion must not be before 31st of December 2017.
ad (3):
The tenderer (be he a single tenderer or consortium) must have a sufficient number of qualified and experienced experts he can employ for the execution of the tendered services. Minimum requirements are:
The tenderer’s team of professionals must be made up of at least 3 persons but no more than 6 persons.
With this team of at least 3 and no more than 6 persons, the tenderer must cover all of the following six competences / fields of expertise:
Financial Expertise (Position of Team Leader),
Occupational Health and Safety Expertise,
Procurement Expertise,
Environmental and Social Expertise,
Legal Expertise, and
Communication and Visibility Expertise.
Each competence (expertise) must be displayed by one person only. A competence (expertise) may not be portioned between two or more persons. If several persons of the tenderer’s team are well qualified and experienced in the same competence / expertise, the tenderer must designate the person who shall represent the expertise in question and he must name that person.
If the tenderer’s team of experts is made up of less than 6 but at least 3 persons, then one or two or all of the team members will each need to cover more than one competence / expertise.
Minimum requirements connected to the six competences / fields of expertise are:
(aa) Qualification:
The person must have at least a non-academic professional or vocational training (equivalent to a german IHK certificate) in:
(aaa) Financial Expertise:
At least one of the following:
-- Financial service activities except insurance and pension funding (NACE Rev.2 code K64), OR:
-- Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities (NACE Rev.2 code M69.2).
(bbb) Occupational Health and Safety Expertise:
At least one of the following:
-- Manufacturing (NACE Rev.2 codes C10 – C33), OR:
-- Construction of buildings (NACE Rev.2 code F41), OR:
-- Civil engineering (NACE Rev.2 code F42), OR:
-- Architectural and engineering activities (NACE Rev.2 code M71), OR:
-- Other professional, scientific and technical activities in the area of “security consulting” or “other technical consulting” (NACE Rev.2 code M74.9).
(ccc) Procurement Expertise:
The following: Public Procurement.
(ddd) Environmental and Social Expertise:
At least one of the following:
-- Civil engineering (NACE Rev.2 code F42), OR:
-- Architectural and engineering activities (NACE Rev.2 code M71), OR:
-- Other professional, scientific and technical activities in the area of “environmental consulting” (NACE Rev.2 code M74.9).
(eee) Legal Expertise:
The following: Turkish Labour Law.
(fff) Communication and Visibility Expertise:
At least one of the following:
-- NACE Rev.2 code J58.19, OR:
-- NACE Rev.2 code J59.11, OR:
-- NACE Rev.2 code J59.20, OR:
-- NACE Rev.2 code M70.21, OR:
-- NACE Rev.2 code M73.1.
(bb) General professional experience:
Amount of experience in years in the field - or, if there are several: in at least one of the fields - that is or are conected with the experise according to (aaa) - (fff):
Depending on whether the person has an academic graduate degree (Ph.D., M.A., M.Sc. or equivalent diploma) or an academic undergraduate degree (B.A., B.Sc. or comparable) or merely a non-academic professional or vocational training (equivalent to a german IHK certificate):
(aaa) Financial Expertise:
Five (5) years or seven (7) years or eight (8) years, depending on academic qualification.
(bbb) Occupational Health and Safety Expertise:
Two (2) years or four (4) years or five (5) years, depending on academic qualification.
(ccc) Procurement Expertise:
One (1) year or two (2) years or three (3) years, depending on academic qualification.
(ddd) Environmental and Social Expertise:
Two (2) years or four (4) years or five (5) years, depending on academic qualification.
(eee) Legal Expertise:
One (1) year or two (2) years or three (3) years, depending on academic qualification.
(fff) Communication and Visibility Expertise:
One (1) year or two (2) years or three (3) years, depending on academic qualification.
Specific personal project experience:
(aaa) Financial Expertise:
With a minimum of two (2) projects in Turkey, the person must demonstrate that he or she has practical experience in all of the following:
-- Verifying whether or not funds have been used correctly in financial sector projects.
-- Conducting financial audits with audit firms of international reputation.
-- The issuing of respective confirmations to KfW or the EU or other International Financial Institutions (EIB, World Bank, EBRD, etc.).
-- Working with the public sector in Turkey.
(bbb) Occupational Health and Safety Expertise:
With a minimum of one (1) project in Turkey, the person must demonstrate that he or she has practical experience in all of the following:
-- Dealing with and applying of occupational health and safety regulations (Turkish laws and international standards).
-- Physical inspections of project implementation sites in Turkey.
(ccc) Procurement Expertise:
With a minimum of one (1) project in Turkey, the person must demonstrate that he or she has practical experience in all of the following:
-- Procurement of equipment or services in accordance with procurement guidelines of KfW (published under: or other international financial institutions.
-- Working on premise with the public sector in Turkey.
(ddd) Environmental and Social Expertise:
With a minimum of two (2) projects in Turkey, the person must demonstrate that he or she has practical experience in all of the following:
-- Dealing with and applying of turkish environmental and social laws and regulations.
-- Physical inspections of project implementation sites in Turkey.
(eee) Legal Expertise:
With a minimum of one (1) project in Turkey, the person must demonstrate that he or she has practical experience in all of the following:
-- Dealing with and applying of Turkish labour law in Turkey.
-- Dealing with and applying of Turkish employment law in Turkey.
(fff) Communication and Visibility Expertise:
With a minimum of one (1) project in Turkey, the person must demonstrate that he or she has practical experience in designing and implementing a campaign regarding marketing or communication for the private or public sector in Turkey.
Language skills:
(aaa) Financial Expertise:
The person must be proficient in:
-- Turkish (reading and writing).
-- English (speaking, reading and writing).
(bbb) Occupational Health and Safety Expertise:
The person must be proficient in Turkish (speaking, reading and writing).
(ccc) Procurement Expertise:
The person must be proficient in:
-- Turkish (reading and writing).
-- English (reading and writing).
(ddd) Environmental and Social Expertise:
The person must be proficient in Turkish (speaking, reading and writing).
(eee) Legal Expertise:
The person must be proficient in Turkish (speaking, reading and writing).
(fff) Communication and Visibility Expertise:
The person must be proficient in Turkish (speaking, reading and writing).