Execution of corrosion protection and maintenance works on the steel structure of the offshore tripod foundations above the water line for the years 2023 and 2024 plus optional prolongation for the years 2025 and 2026.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2023-01-18.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2022-11-18.
Objekt Umfang der Beschaffung
Titel: Maintenance Tripod Foundations_2023-2024
Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Mit Offshore-Anlagen verbundene Dienstleistungen📦
Kurze Beschreibung:
“Execution of corrosion protection and maintenance works on the steel structure of the offshore tripod foundations above the water line for the years 2023...”
Kurze Beschreibung
Execution of corrosion protection and maintenance works on the steel structure of the offshore tripod foundations above the water line for the years 2023 and 2024 plus optional prolongation for the years 2025 and 2026.
Ort der Leistung: Extra-Regio NUTS 2🏙️
Hauptstandort oder Erfüllungsort: Ausschließliche Wirtschaftszone der Nordsee
Beschreibung der Beschaffung:
“Several inspection and coating tasks on tripod foundations and secondary steel components above water level including yearly inspection and repair of...”
Beschreibung der Beschaffung
Several inspection and coating tasks on tripod foundations and secondary steel components above water level including yearly inspection and repair of self-retracting lifelines, yearly inspection of boatlanding, middle platform and ladder with cage as well as visual inspection of coating at tripod central column. In addition, mechanical repairs on these components shall be carried out, if necessary.
Mehr anzeigen Vergabekriterien
Qualitätskriterium (Bezeichnung):
“Compliance with liability conditions for uninsured damages | Min. 200.000 EUR = 1 point | Max 1.100.000 EUR = 10 points | [Scaled in steps of 100.000 EUR]”
Qualitätskriterium (Gewichtung): 10
Qualitätskriterium (Bezeichnung):
“Compliance with warranty duration (term begins with the signing of the acceptance certificate): Min 14 months = 1 point | Max. 23 months = 10 points | [Per...”
Qualitätskriterium (Bezeichnung)
Compliance with warranty duration (term begins with the signing of the acceptance certificate): Min 14 months = 1 point | Max. 23 months = 10 points | [Per each additional month: 1 point]
Mehr anzeigen
Preis (Gewichtung): 80
Datum des Beginns: 2023-04-01 📅
Datum des Endes: 2024-11-01 📅
Informationen über Optionen
Optionen ✅
Beschreibung der Optionen:
“TWB reserves the right for an optional prolongation of the contract for the years 2025 & 2026.”
Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Informationen Bedingungen für die Teilnahme
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen:
“Provision of excerpt from the trade register or a register which is similar if applicable (entities which do not have to be registered are not required to...”
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen
Provision of excerpt from the trade register or a register which is similar if applicable (entities which do not have to be registered are not required to provide an excerpt)
Mehr anzeigen Wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit
Auswahlkriterien wie in den Auftragsunterlagen angegeben
Technische und berufliche Fähigkeiten
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien:
“- Provision of a company presentation including ownership structure, scope of services, manning level (separated in blue- / white-collar employees).
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Auswahlkriterien
- Provision of a company presentation including ownership structure, scope of services, manning level (separated in blue- / white-collar employees).
- Provision of the signed declaration about the non-fulfilment of competition exclusion reasons in order to §§ 123 (1) and (4), 124 of the Act against Restraints on Competition (GWB).
- Provision of the signed declaration for EU sanctions against Russia.
- Company accreditation: A valid certification is required according to:
DIN ISO 45001:2018 - Managementsysteme für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit - Anforderungen mit Anleitung zur Anwendung; English title: Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
- Company accreditation: A valid certification is required according to:
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 - Qualitätsmanagementsysteme - Anforderungen; English title: Quality management systems - Requirements
- Company accreditation: A valid certification is required according to:
DIN EN 1090-2:2018 - Ausführung von Stahltragwerken und Aluminiumtragwerken; English title: Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures : Technical requirements for steel structures
- Company experience: at least 5 offshore projects with rope access coating works have been successfully executed in the last 3 years 2020 - 2022 - proof shall be submitted in form of provided template "Project References"
- Company experience: at least 5 offshore projects with inspections of primary or secondary steel have been successfully executed in the last 3 years 2020 - 2022 - proof shall be submitted in form of provided template "Project References"
- Company experience: at least 5 offshore projects with mechanical works on primary or secondary steel have been successfully executed in the last 3 years 2020 - 2022 - proof shall be submitted in form of provided template "Project References"
Verfahren Art des Verfahrens
Offenes Verfahren
Administrative Informationen
Frist für den Eingang von Angeboten oder Teilnahmeanträgen: 2023-01-18
11:00 📅
Sprachen, in denen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Deutsch 🗣️
Sprachen, in denen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Englisch 🗣️
Das Angebot muss gültig sein bis: 2023-04-01 📅
Bedingungen für die Öffnung der Angebote: 2023-01-18
11:00 📅