Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The contractor will contribute to the achievement of both BMZ & European Union Indicators & Outputs as stated below. It should be noted that the indicators have significant interlinkages and overlaps, but some distinguishing differences.
BMZ Indicators & Outputs
Module Indicator 4
A national digital platform for women to expand their digital and entrepreneurial skills has been established in the long term together with an actor in the innovation ecosystem.
Contractor"s contribution: Preparation through Needs Assessment and Conceptualisation of a national digital platform
Output 4: The skills of women and young people to use digital solutions for their economic activities are improved.
Output Indicator 4.1.: 500 economically active people, including informal and formal entrepreneurs and young people, have successfully completed training formats to promote their digital and entrepreneurial skills.
Contractor"s contribution: 100% contribution (500 economically active people trained)
Output Indicator 4.2.: 35 out of 40 mentors supported use examples to prove that they have accompanied women in the use and application of digital solutions.
Contractor"s contribution: 100% contribution (35 mentors proved the accompanying of women).
European Union Indicators & Outputs
Contractor's contribution: 100% contribution
Output 4 Digital and entrepreneurial skills are developed among youth and women
Output indicator 4.1: 50 capacity building measures conducted on digital and entrepreneurial skills
Contractor"s contribution: 100%
Output indicator 4.2: 30 female mentors trained to coach and support women.
Contractor's contribution: 100%
These are to be achieved by the execution of the following work packages A-D:
A. Harmonisation of digital and entrepreneurial trainings and services for youth and women and training
A0: Review and Update Operational plan
A1: Design and execute a Gap Analysis/Needs Assessment of women, youth, female entrepreneurs MSMEs and other relevant stakeholders
A2: Map key digital and entrepreneurial training frameworks
A3: Support relevant stakeholders in developing a harmonised national framework and certification scheme
A4: Institutionalise validated harmonised national framework and certification scheme to facilitate
A5: Design effective Monitoring & Evaluation measures
A6: Implement the framework in collaboration with selected innovation support organisation(s)
A7: Execute the M & E measures to determine the impact of the harmonised national framework and certification scheme of digital and entrepreneurial training
B. Train women and young people to increase digital and entrepreneurial skills
B0: Shortlist suitable existing training formats
B1: Review, adapt and validate the selected training formats in line with the Gap Analysis/Needs Assessment result with target group and key stakeholders.
B2: Design and validate M&E measures
B3: Pilot validated training in a selected state.:
B4: Training of Trainers & coaches (ToT)
B5: Roll out trainings state by state: In collaboration with the trained trainers
B6: Deploy M&E measures
B7: Propose a mechanism for the long-term financing of trainings:
B8: Design and execute a survey of all participants
C. Develop a mentoring and coaching network for women:
C0: Map & identify the Mentorship & Coaching needs of female entrepreneurs.
C1: Conceptualize & validate the implementation of the mentoring and coaching network
C2: Identify & engage successful women entrepreneurs, leaders, politicians, changemakers, etc to become mentors through women support organizations & relevant ecosystem actors.
C3: Launch a nationwide call for Mentees, shortlist Mentees based on pre-defined criteria and conduct baseline assessment. Trained women from Work Package B would qualify here.
C4: Train Mentors and coaches to support mentees
C5: Matchmake Mentors, Coaches & Mentees
C6: Measure the improvement to the Mentees business" as a result of the Mentors" intervention
C7: Develop a media campaign to showcase 5 Mentorship relationship success stories per state including but not limited to a short video and two editorials with pictures.
D. Preparation of a national digital Peer-to-Peer exchange platform
D0: Conduct a Needs Assessment/Feasibility Report and Conceptualisation of a nationwide digital peer to peer exchange platform enabling access to digital transformation services and opportunities targeted at women.
Monitoring & Evaluation
The contractor will design and execute Monitoring & Evaluation measures and report to cover all contract indicators, and will contribute to, and be integrated with the larger project"s Monitoring & Evaluation Report.
The contractor will use a participatory approach in executing his mandate and be required to engage and collaborate with identified ecosystem stakeholders.
Conflict Sensitivity, Human Rights & Gender Considerations
The contractor is required to take the following key measures to avoid or reduce possible unintended negative results and to support gender equality in its area of responsibility:
- Conflict and context sensitivity and human rights: One-sided support of specific ethnic group could increase tensions between person of different ethnic group. The project will work in several states across Nigeria where population is may be dominated by a specific ethnic group. The contractor shall pay attention to carefully select beneficiaries to not one-sidedly support a specific ethnic group and generally consider the do-no-harm principles.
- Gender equality and Leave No One Behind:
A detailed gender-sensitive target group analysis based on LNOB principles will enable the project to identify constraints of specific groups to participate in and benefit from the project"s activities and to design services accordingly.