2021-06-04   EPCI Offshore Platforms for the Ostwind 3 and Gennaker Projects (50Hertz Offshore GmbH)
Contracting of the design, engineering, construction, supply, installation, and commissioning of 220kV AC Offshore Substations for the Ostwind 3 and Gennaker projects in the Baltic Sea. More detailed scope description is provided under the 'GOP-OSS-3AA-00-C-01-GOP Procurement Scope Description' document (provided with the tender package). The tender will result in the award of a framework agreement to the tenderer ranked first (‘Core Contractor’), second (‘Back-up Contractor 1’) and third (‘Back-up … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: JV 50 Hz Iemants-Iv-HSM
2011-12-09   Foundation fabrication and supply (RWE Innogy Nordsee 1 GmbH)
Preparation of the detailed design, fabrication and supply of at least 44 and maximum 54 certifiable foundations. Each foundation consists of four piles, a substructure (jacket) and a transition piece. The certified basic design for the 54 standard braced steelwork jacket sub-structure and its associated four steelwork pile foundations per jacket will be delivered by the contracting entity. This basic design will be an integral part of the contract to be awarded. Alternatively, the contractor is entitled … Ansicht der Beschaffung »