Anbieter: Bird and Bird LLP

Eine archivierte Beschaffung

In der Vergangenheit waren die konkurrierenden Bieter Bird & Bird LLP, CMS Hasche Sigle und DLA Piper UK LLP.

Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter Bird and Bird LLP erwähnt wird

2012-07-05   Framework service contract for legal advice on leases and services related to building premises (European Aviation Safety Agency)
EASA is party to agreements for the lease of office space in Cologne (Germany) and Brussels (Belgium). It needs legal advice and additional support in handling all legal issues that may arise concerning its tenancy situation and the Agency premises. The tender is divided into 2 lots. Assistance is required in particular in the areas of German (lot 1) or Belgian (lot 2) commercial property law, tenancy law, tax law related to tenancy, contract law, pre-litigation and litigation support. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Bird & Bird LLP Bird and Bird LLP CMS Hasche Sigle DLA Piper UK LLP