Anbieter: Helvetas Intercooperation gGmbH

4 archivierte Beschaffungen

Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter Helvetas Intercooperation gGmbH erwähnt wird

2022-08-15   81287282-Water Resources Management (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)
IRDP/TRIGGER aims to boost added value of agricultural production in Tajikistan. It has five outputs through which it will i) improve the business enabling environment and policy dialogue; ii) increase productivity of agricultural value chains; iii) promote the access to export markets; iv) support business start-ups and promote entrepreneurship and v) improve the enabling environment in the Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). The strategy of IRDP is designed to increase the income of value … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: GFA Consulting Group GmbH Helvetas Intercooperation gGmbH
2022-06-22   81285353 - Support to economic reforms and sustainable economic development in regions of Uzbekistan (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)
The GIZ project "Support to Economic Reforms and Sustainable Economic Development in Regions of Uzbekistan ", aims at strengthening the local economy with a focus on Ferghana Valley and Karakalpakstan. The project is working in the agri-food and tourism sectors, enhancing the skills of relevant actors at meso and macro levels and improving the dialogue between private and public institutions. In the tourism sector, using international experience and proven approaches, the project intends to continue to … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Helvetas Intercooperation gGmbH mascontour GmbH
2022-05-18   81283511-Implementing Green Resilient Agricultural Productive Ecosystems (GRAPE) in Humla (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)
With the project "Local and Provincial Economic Development (LPED) / Green Resilient Agricultural Productive Ecosystems GRAPE)" (PN 2018.2064.6), we are strengthening sustainable and climate-adapted agricultural ecosystems at the local level. The project is implemented on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and co-financed by the European Union (EU) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. The interdisciplinary project at the intersection of … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Helvetas Intercooperation gGmbH ICON Institut Education and Training
2020-12-18   Value Chain Promotion in Livestock and Tourism; Development and Promotion of New Green Economic Practices (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has commissioned GIZ to implement the programme: ‘Green Economy and Sustainable Private Sector Development in Kyrgyzstan’. The objective of the overall project is: long-term employment and better income opportunities have been created in Kyrgystan in the context of sustainable economic development for men and women and for all population groups, especially young people and including people with disabilities and members of ethnic … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: AFC Agriculture and Finance Consultants GmbH Helvetas Intercooperation gGmbH