Anbieter: Priocewaterhous Coopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprufungsgeseltschaft

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Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter Priocewaterhous Coopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprufungsgeseltschaft erwähnt wird

2017-12-22   Provision of Consultancy Support Services for Facility Managment Related Activities - PRO-002952 (European Central Bank)
ECB carries out a number of activities which fall under the umbrella term of “Facility Management” (FM). These activities are coordinated by the Directorate General Administration (DG/A). In this context, the ECB intends to award framework agreements for the provision of effective and sound consultancy support for any FM related activities. The services for all existing and future processes and tasks will cover but will not be limited to: 1) strategic advice as well as operational support; 2) regular … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Canzler GmbH Drees und Sommer Projektmanagement und... Intep — Integrale Planung GmbH Priocewaterhous Coopers GmbH... TME Consulting GmbH TÜV SÜD Advimo GmbH