Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen
The following documents (self-declarations, information, certificates and / or other supporting documents) proving the absence of grounds for exclusion and the fulfilment of the selection criteria must be submitted with the request to participate:
(1) Self-declaration (pursuant to Section 123 (1) to (3) GWB) that no person whose conduct is attributable to the candidate or a member of the group of economic operators has been convicted, or a fine has been legally established against the economic operator, pursuant to Section 30 OWiG, for an offence against the codes as set out in the procurement and procedure description, section (1).
(2) Self-declaration that the candidate has fulfilled its obligation to pay taxes, duties and social security contributions (§ 123 (4) GWB).
(3) Self-declaration (on facultative exclusion grounds pursuant to § 124 GWB) that
— neither the candidate's company nor any person whose conduct is attributable to the candidate has failed to fulfil its obligations under environmental, social or labour law when executing public contracts,
— the candidate's company is not insolvent, insolvency proceedings or similar proceedings have not been instituted or opened for the assets of the candidate's company, the opening of such proceedings has not been refused for lack of assets, and the company is not in liquidation or has ceased its activity,
— neither the candidate's company nor any person whose conduct is attributable to the company has been guilty of grave professional misconduct that calls into question the integrity of the company,
— neither the company nor any person whose conduct is attributable to the company has entered into agreements with other undertakings which have the effect of preventing, restricting or distorting competition,
— the entity has not materially or consistently fulfilled a material breach in the execution of a previous public procurement or procurement contract, resulting in termination, damages or similar legal consequences.
(4) Self-declaration (pursuant to § 21 Schwarzarbeitsbekämpfungsgesetz - SchwarzArbG) that during the last three years neither the candidate nor its legal representatives have committed an offence against
— § 8 (1) no. 2, §§ 10 to 11,
— § 404 (1) or (2) No. 3 Book 3 of the Social Code (SGB III),
— §§ 15, 15a, 16 (1) No. 1, 1c, 1d, 1f or 2 of the Temporary Employment Act (AÜG); or
— § 266a (1) to (4) of the Criminal Code
That led or might lead to an imprisonment sentence of more than three months or a fine of more than ninety days' pay or at least 2.500 EUR.
(5) Self-declaration regarding the enrolment/registration number of the economic operator"s undertaking in professional or trade registers (if applicable).