List and brief description of selection criteria:
Suitable references from contracts the tenderer has performed or is still performing.
Sufficient number of competent experts for executing the services (Core Team).
Access to sufficient personnel to collect the required data for the impact evaluation at the project locations of the target contries in East Africa by employing own members of staff and/or by drawing on a network of enumerators.
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required:
ad (1):
Tenderer's references need to comply with the following minimum requirements:
(a) Number of references:
The tenderer (be he a single tenderer or consortium) must submit at least 2 references.
(b) Content:
Each reference must be sufficiently comparable to the tendered contract in terms of the nature of work, the scope and complexity of tasks and the environment in which the services were rendered. A reference is considered sufficiently comparable to the tendered contract in the above sense, if it demonstrates that the tenderer has experience in conducting rigorous impact evaluations in developing countries involving social and cultural topics in the target country.
(c) Period of execution:
If the project the reference refers to is still ongoing, at least the baseline of the rigorous impact evaluation must have already been carried out.
If the project the reference refers to is already completed, the date of project conclusion must not be before 31st of December 2016.
ad (2):
The tenderer (be he a single tenderer or consortium) must have a sufficient number of qualified and experienced experts he can employ for the execution of the tendered services. Minimum requirements are:
The core team must consist of at least 3, but no more than 5 persons.
With his core team of at least 3 and no more than 5 persons, the tenderer must cover all of the following five competences:
(aa) Key Investigation.
(bb) Advanced Statistical Skills.
(cc) Survey Design.
(dd) Qualitative Evaluation Expertise.
(ee) Socio-Cultural Issues, meaning social dynamics, peace and fragility.
Each competence with the minimum requirements connected to it must be displayed by one person only. A competence may not be portioned between two or more persons.
If the tenderer’s core team is made up of less than 5 but at least 3 persons, then one or two of the team members will each need to cover more than one competence.
Competence “Key Investigation” must be proven through one person who has:
At least a Master’s degree (M.Sc. or M.A.) or a diploma or a comparable qualification, and
At least 7 years of relevant work experience as key investigator in rigorous impact evaluations. THE YEARS OF WORK EXPERIENCE CAN BE CUMULATIVE AND DO NOT NEED TO BE CONSECUTIVE.
Competence “Advanced Statistical Skills” must be proven through one person who has a Master’s Degree or a diploma or a comparable qualification either in statistics or in economics or in social sciences; in the two latter cases combined with either at least 30 ECTS in the field of econometrics or 3 relevant trainings or 2 years of relevant working experience as statistician. THE YEARS OF WORK EXPERIENCE CAN BE CUMULATIVE AND DO NOT NEED TO BE CONSECUTIVE.
Competence “Survey Design” must be proven through one person who has:
At least a Master’s degree (M.Sc. or M.A.) or a diploma or a comparable qualification, and
At least 2 years of relevant work experience in designing surveys. THE YEARS OF WORK EXPERIENCE CAN BE CUMULATIVE AND DO NOT NEED TO BE CONSECUTIVE.
Competence “Qualitative Evaluation Expertise” must be proven through one person who has:
At least a Master’s degree (M.Sc. or M.A.) or a diploma or a comparable qualification, and
At least 2 years of relevant work experience in qualitative evaluation. THE YEARS OF WORK EXPERIENCE CAN BE CUMULATIVE AND DO NOT NEED TO BE CONSECUTIVE.
Competence “Socio-Cultural Issues, meaning social dynamics, peace and fragility” must be proven through one person who has:
At least a Master’s degree (M.Sc. or M.A.) or a diploma or a comparable qualification, and
At least 2 years of relevant work experience in socio-cultural issues, meaning social dynamics, peace and fragility. THE YEARS OF WORK EXPERIENCE CAN BE CUMULATIVE AND DO NOT NEED TO BE CONSECUTIVE.