Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The assignment"s goal is to develop demand driven service offers and build the capacities of local service providers to deliver them to the Cambodian textile industry. The service offers shall concern business services focussing on productivity/quality management, social sustainability (e.g., working conditions, gender equality), environmental sustainability, digitalization of processes (e.g., wage digitalization) and/or human rights due diligence requirements (e.g., reporting on risk management).
To work towards the above-mentioned, the contractor is responsible for providing the following:
1. Inception phase (identification of needs, prepare implementation)
The purpose of the inception phase (~4 months) is to analyse the demand and supply of business development services in the field of strategic and/or operational management capacities for textile companies (e.g., productivity/quality management, social sustainability (e.g. working conditions, gender equality), environmental sustainability, digitalization of processes (e.g. wage digitalization) and/or human rights and environmental due diligence requirements (e.g. reporting).
The inception phase will comprise the following sub-tasks:
- Demand Study
o The goal of the demand-study is to identify the needs of Cambodian textile and garment manufacturers to improve their strategic and operational management.
- Supply-Study
o The goal of the supply-study is to identify the service offer capacities, availability, gaps, quality of existing services training needs of existing service providers and the industry"s current demand for existing/new services.
- Recommendations and Implementation Strategy
o Based on the results of both studies, the contractor shall develop a concrete recommendation for 3 new service offers and refine the implementation strategy for the assignment.
o Additionally, the contractor shall develop an integrated strategy of how to facilitate the roll-out of new service offers to encourage the introduction of new sustainable management systems at factory-level.
2. Implementation Phase (Developing services to strengthen sustainable management capacities in cooperation with local service providers)
Having assessed the demand for and supply for advisory services in the field of strategic and operational management for textile- and garment manufacturers in Cambodia, this work package will involve several actions designed to strengthen the BDS Ecosystem in Cambodia via capacity building (CB):
- Develop 3 Business Development Services:
o Prepare concepts including the content and capacity building programmes (incl. training material, methodology, etc.) based on the findings of the demand and supply study.
- Select at least 3 local service providers
o based on transparent selection criteria, e.g., access and market experience within Cambodian textile- and garment industry, as well as gender balance
- Enable local service providers to implement the BDS (ToT)
o Organising and conducting initial Training-of-Trainers
o Regular follow-up and adjustments trainings
- Reporting to GIZ
3. Facilitation of roll-out of new BDS on management systems by local service providers in 50 Cambodian factories
The goal of this work package is to facilitate the roll-out of BDS in at least 50 factories via the previously selected and trained service providers (see WP 2) and based on the roll-out strategy developed in WP 1. By introducing or improving management systems of 50 Cambodian textile and garment factories, their performance in productivity/quality management, social sustainability (e.g. working conditions, gender equality), environmental sustainability, digitalization of processes (e.g. wage digitalization) and/or HREDD (e.g. reporting on risk management) shall be strengthened. The improvements in the respective area should be documented (quantitatively) by the service providers and verified by the contractor. A share of at least 15 factories shall have taken gender-specific issues into account in their management. It is also the contractor"s responsibility and its expert pools to provide regular support to trainers during the roll-out and monitor the successful implementation of BDS.