2023-10-20   Horizon Europe Project: CYBER – Aviation Resilience – Cybersecurity Threat Landscape (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
This invitation to tender is based on Annex 8. Climate, Energy and Mobility of the Horizon Europe work programme 2023-2024. It addresses the following action: development of a vulnerability database collecting, maintaining, and disseminating information about discovered vulnerabilities, targeting major transport information systems. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2023-10-09   Supply of Electrical Energy from Renewable Energies (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Supply of electrical energy from renewable energies in the European Union Aviation Safety Agency. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: RheinEnergie AG
2023-08-25   Consultancy Services to EASA Re-Fuel and Labelling Scheme Implementation (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The upcoming regulation for ‘Ensuring a level playing field for sustainable air transport’ will mark an important step in the engagement of the European Union to reduce the emissions in particular in the domain of aviation. The following call for tenders intends to identify a contractor that can support the Agency to: 1. the design, development and deployment of the annual reporting and the associated activities; 2. the design, development and deployment of the labelling scheme encompassed in the … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2023-07-12   Aviation Safety Database – Subscription (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The overall aim of this procurement is for EASA to gain access to information on worldwide aviation safety events as well as operator and aircraft information through commercial and general aviation databases. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2023-07-07   Supply of Electrical Energy from Renewable Energies (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Supply of electrical energy from renewable energies in the European Union Aviation Safety Agency. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2023-05-26   ECCAIRS2 Solutions (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Maintenance, operation and development of web-based IT system, ECCAIRS2 (Occurrence Reporting System). Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Altia Consultores SA Bilbomatica S.A. Vass Consultoria de Sistemas, S.L. VASS EU Services S.A. Vass IT Greece Services A.E.
2023-05-25   Mobile Communication Services (MCS) (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The main purpose of this tender is the provision of mobile communication services to the European Union Aviation Safety Agency. For an indication on the volume of the framework contract, please see Section 2.4.5 of the procurement documents. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Vodafone GmbH
2023-05-24   European Clearing House for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Following the EU Commission Decision of 4 July 2022 on the financing of pilot projects and preparatory actions in the field of transport for 2022, EASA has been tasked to carry out a project to develop and evaluate the setup of a European Clearing House for Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). With this procurement EASA is seeking an implementing partner to set up and support the operation and core functions of the European SAF Clearing House. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Ricardo Consulting SL Ricardo Nederland B.V. Ricardo-AEA Ltd.
2023-05-16   Digital Communications Services and Support Services (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Services required mainly by the Agency's Communications Department to enable and promote external and internal communication using digital media. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Dropsolid NV FFW Deutschland GmbH
2023-03-31   Data for Safety (D4S) – Big Data and Analysis Services – Development (DEV) Phase (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Further to the successful proof-of-concept phase, which collected and analysed inputs from across the aviation system (including safety reports, flight data from air operators, traffic data from the ATM system plus weather data but any data sources, data sets or data bases that adds value to our understanding of the aviation landscape), the main objectives of the DEV phase of the Data4Safety Programme, subject of this procedure, is to progressively expand the membership to more stakeholders of the … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: ALG Global Infrastructure Advisors S.L.U. ALG Global Infrastructure Advisors, S.L.U. Paradigma Digital S.L.
2023-01-23   Property Consultancy and Project Supervision/Management Services (Lot 1) and Facility Management Consultancy Services (Lot 2) (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The objective of this procedure is to provide the Agency with technical expertise in the domains of property consultancy and project supervision/management services and facility management consultancy. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: PricewaterHouse Coopers EU Services EEIG TÜV SÜD Advimo GmbH
2022-11-11   Technical Support on Aviation Emissions and Impact Assessment (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
This tender focuses on the provision of scientific and technical assistance in the field of aviation emissions to EASA. This assistance will aim particularly at supporting the Agency in various technical work programmes at both the European and international level, including the ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) and Standardisation Bodies (e.g. SAE, ISO). Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Envisa SAS Ricardo Consulting SL Ricardo Nederland B.V.
2022-07-27   Research Study on the Impact Analysis, Prevention and Management of ATCOs Fatigue in the EU (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The overall objective of this research project is to perform a study on the assessment, prevention and management of the occupational fatigue risks, as well as related work environment and operational factors, of ATCOs in the EU, in order to support future decision-making of the EU regulator. The project should be conducted in a scientific, neutral and objective manner, and supported by data collection, scientific tests, analytical work or statistical projections. The work on the project should follow … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Lucht- en... Welbees SAS
2022-07-06   Horizon Europe Project: Detection of Lithium Batteries Using Security Screening Equipment (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Lithium batteries, whether or not contained in equipment, are one of the main causes of the incidents reported in the cabin. The main risks are fire and smoke, which can lead to catastrophic events. Certain restrictions apply to the carriage by passengers of lithium metal and lithium ion batteries in accordance to ICAO Annex 18 and the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods (ICAO Doc. 9284). Notwithstanding, that screeners shall primarily focus their attention on … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: CAA International Limited Rapiscan Systems Limited
2022-06-15   Horizon Europe Project: Interoperability of Electronic Conspicuity Systems for General Aviation (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Airborne collision risk involving non-commercially exploited small aeroplanes represent a key priority in EASA annual safety review and for the development of safety actions at EU level in the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS). Given the diversity of the so-called electronic conspicuity devices, these are not always interoperable with each other, meaning that aircraft may or may not be electronically visible to each other. Here the lack of harmonised technical standards addressing the performances … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Horváth & Partner GmbH
2022-05-30   Horizon Europe Project: Digital Transformation – Case Studies for Aviation Safety Standards (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The research project aims at evaluating a series of changes applied to aviation products, processes and operations resulting from the deployment of new digital solutions with a focus on measuring the impact on safety standards and regulatory materials as well as to prepare their evolution. The project will build upon a series of case studies allowing to develop a comprehensive investigation of the key changes at stake, by developing several working examples (use cases and conceptual models), analysing … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: ALG Global Infrastructure Advisors, S.L.U. FPT Software Europe SARL Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte...
2022-03-24   Aviation Training Services for EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
This call for tender aims at obtaining learning solutions for the acquisition and expansion (upskilling and reskilling) of highly technical aviation competencies of EASA’s staff. The call focuses on learning services in different aviation domains/areas and target multiple aviation-related technical competencies. The four competency areas are: 1. airworthiness; 2. audit management; 3. aviation risk management, safety management; 4. air operations (OPS). Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: École nationale de l'aviation civile (ENAC) France Aviation Civile Services Organisme pour la Sécurité de l'Aviation... Senasa, S.M.E.M.P.S.A.
2022-03-10   Cybersecurity and Other Emerging Risks Platform (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
EASA intends to set up a collaborative platform that will provide the European Stakeholders with intelligence on cyber threats impacting aviation safety. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Leonardo – Società per azioni
2022-02-04   Horizon Europe Project: Implementation of the Aerodrome ‘Triple One’ Concept (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The Agency necessitates an assessment of the current situation because the practices currently used across Europe differ widely. To avoid unnecessary negative impacts on the op. stakeholders at an aerodrome, an accurate picture needs to be established before the European legislator would take any further decisions in the area. The Agency therefore would like to identify and understand the current application of the ‘triple one’ concept, the variations in use, as well as the rationale/reasoning behind … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Airsight GmbH
2022-01-21   Horizon Europe Project: Impact of Security Measures on Safety (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The implementation of aviation security measures can directly or indirectly impact on safety aspects of aerodromes, air operations, and aircraft design. Aerodrome security, aircraft security, as well as cargo and mail or in-flight security are the areas where interdependencies are particularly highly visible and where any security requirements should also consider possible impacts on aviation safety. Identifying which areas of aviation safety are affected by security measures, and whether they are … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Apave Aeroservices SAS APSS Software & Services AG, CASRA/APSS CAA International Limited
2022-01-20   Horizon Europe Project: Helicopter Vortex Ring State Experimental Research (2 Launch) (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The vortex ring state (VRS) is an aerodynamic condition for helicopters normally generated in nearly vertical or vertical descent when the relative upward air velocity equals the downward induced main rotor flow rate. This research should provide a better understanding of the VRS phenomenon on different kinds of helicopters, the analytical and simulation prediction methods, and flight test methods for its determination. It should further provide an indication of the effectiveness of alternative recovery … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Office national d'études et de recherches...
2021-12-20   Horizon Europe Project: Flight Control Laws and Air Data Monitors (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
This call for tender addresses the further development methods for the two following subjects: — the monitoring and real-time error detection of complex flight control laws (lot 1); and — the enhancement of detection and tolerance to air data probe complex failure mechanisms (lot 2). Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Airbus Operations SAS Liebherr Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH Technische Universitaet Berlin Technische Universiteit Delft
2021-12-13   Horizon Europe Project: Pilot and ATCO Aeromedical Fitness (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
This call for tender addresses research proposals for the development of new health safety standards for flight crews and air traffic controllers. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: CAA International Ltd Deutsches Zentrum für Luft‐ und Raumfahrt... Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Medical University of Graz University of Surrey
2021-11-19   Flight Test Refresher Training (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Flight test refresher activities for EASA flight test personnel in the fixed-wing (FW) and rotary-wing (RW) domains. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: QinetiQ Sweden AB
2021-11-18   Horizon Europe Project: PED — Lithium Batteries Fire/Smoke Risks in Cabin (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The subject matter of the contract is the provision of a research study on mitigating the risks posed by passengers lithium batteries in the aircraft cabin. The provisions for the transport of lithium batteries by passengers in the aircraft cabin do not currently establish limits in terms of number of items that can be brought aboard. In addition, the limits on the power of batteries are not based on any scientific data. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der...
2021-11-17   Horizon Europe Project: Mental Health (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
This call for tender addresses a research proposal as regards the assessment of new medical developments for the early diagnosis as well as treatment of mental health conditions which could pose a safety risk for aviation and would consequently lead to pilot and air traffic controller (ATCO) unfitness or the limitation of their licence privileges for safety purposes. Currently, there are no specific, validated mental health assessment methods for aviation use, incorporating the specific operational … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Deep Blue Srl
2021-10-27   Horizon Europe Project: Extended Minimum Crew Operations – Single Pilot Operations – Safety Risk Assessment Framework (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The scope of the project encompasses the generic risk assessment of the main changes induced by the eMCO and SiPO operations while considering a series of changes to aircraft cockpit configuration identified for large CAT aircraft and including new flight management applications. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Deep Blue Srl Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Lucht- en...
2021-10-01   Horizon Europe Project: Runway Micro Texture (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
According to EASA Annual Safety Review 2021, runway excursion is one of the main key safety risk areas for commercial air transport (CAT), business aviation and non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft (NCC). There is currently a trend of aeroplane overruns on wet runways in which the achieved braking performance was worse than that specified in accordance with CS 25.109.The outcome of the research project will enable EASA to: — initiate rulemaking action to revise Regulation (EU) No … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: IHS Global Ltd Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Lucht- en...
2021-09-30   Horizon Europe Project: Risk Assessment Tool Technical Specifications (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
EASA is launching this research project to develop detailed technical specifications (DTS) for the creation of a risk assessment tool (RAT). Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Lucht- en...
2021-08-18   Conflict Zones, Cybersecurity and Other Emerging Risks Platforms (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The services requested under this contract are: — conflict zone risks assessment; — cybersecurity threat assessment; — cooperative/collaborative platforms; — ad-hoc risk studies. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Osprey Flight Solutions (Ireland) LTD
2021-08-03   Communication Services (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Services required mainly by the Agency's Communications Department to enable external services in the areas of event management and support the Agency in relation to the production of branded items for promotional purposes. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Adria Congrex Srl CECOFORMA SA Conception, Etudes et... Kick and Rush SA/NV Media Consulta International Holding AG
2021-07-21   Provision of Medical Services (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
Provision of medical and other services to EASA staff members covering the following areas: — occupational medicine, — travel medicine, advising and administering vaccines, — preventive medicine (annual check-up and health campaigns), — prevention of psychosocial risks, — health review (management and processing of documents related to sickness absences, providing medical opinions) — management of staff member's medical files, — ad-hoc tasks/reporting. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Christian Heimbach Praxis Dr. Bachner
2021-07-19   Technical Facility Management (including Caretakers Services) (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The scope of the contract contains the following services: Object management, technical facility management and caretaking services. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Dussmann Service Deutschland GmbH Spie GmbH
2021-07-15   Horizon Europe Project: UAS Standards (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
In 2019 the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) funded the AW-Drone project with the aim to contribute to the safe use of UASs by supporting the on-going EU regulatory process for the identification of technical standards and procedures. The assessment provided by the AW-Drones project did not include the assessment of the technical content to determine whether the standards are adequate to meet the safety objective of the provisions of the related regulations. This research tender should … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Azur Drones Deep Blue Srl Michael Allouche Wing Aviation Finland Oy
2021-07-13   Horizon Europe Project: Machine Learning Application Approval (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The subject is the approval of machine learning (ML) technology for systems intended for use in safety-related applications in all domains covered by the EASA Basic Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/1139). The expected short-term effect of the research results will be to streamline the certification and approval processes by identifying concrete means of compliance with the learning assurance objectives of the EASA guidance for ML applications. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Apsys SAS Laboratoire National de Metrologie et d'Essais LNE Numalis SAS
2021-07-12   Horizon Europe Project: Helicopter Underwater Escape #2 (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
This research call aims at addressing safety recommendation (SR) 2016-016 from the UK Air Accident Investigation Branch (UK AAIB) report AAR 1/2016 on the accident of helicopter G-WNSB on 23 August 2013. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: CAA International Limited
2021-07-08   Provision of Interim Staff Services for the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The overall objective of the assignment is to provide EASA with the necessary interim staff within a reasonable time-frame and in line with the requested profiles. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: ARTS Experts GmbH Bishop GmbH
2021-07-06   Horizon Europe Project: Helicopter Vortex Ring State Experimental Research (European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA))
The vortex ring state (VRS) is an aerodynamic condition for helicopters normally generated in nearly vertical or vertical descent when the relative upward air velocity equals the downward induced main rotor flow rate. This research should provide a better understanding of the VRS phenomenon on different kinds of helicopters, the analytical and simulation prediction methods, and flight test methods for its determination. It should further provide an indication of the effectiveness of alternative recovery … Ansicht der Beschaffung »