Jüngste Beschaffungen durch RWE Innogy Nordsee 1 GmbH
2012-02-06Certification services (RWE Innogy Nordsee 1 GmbH)
Services regarding the certification for the wind park IN1. These certification services shall contain all necessary services esodic to get the second and third approval by the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrografie (BSH) except the certification services regarding basic design of WTG jacket foundations.
The contracting entity reserves the right to split the scope into several lots. However the intention of the contracting entity is to award the full scope to one contractor. If the contracting …
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2011-12-09Foundation fabrication and supply (RWE Innogy Nordsee 1 GmbH)
Preparation of the detailed design, fabrication and supply of at least 44 and maximum 54 certifiable foundations. Each foundation consists of four piles, a substructure (jacket) and a transition piece. The certified basic design for the 54 standard braced steelwork jacket sub-structure and its associated four steelwork pile foundations per jacket will be delivered by the contracting entity. This basic design will be an integral part of the contract to be awarded. Alternatively, the contractor is entitled …
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2011-09-02Wind turbine generators (RWE Innogy Nordsee 1 GmbH)
Design, production, installation and commissioning of 54 standard wind turbine generators fo the 6 MW class and its associated three blade systems and steel towers with a hub height of approx. 100 meters LAT of the entire wind turbine generator. An operation and maintenance agreement with a term of optionally 5 or 10 years is required.
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