Öffentliches Auftragswesen in Deutschland
Anbieter: PJ S.R.L.
Anbieter: PJ S.R.L.
2 archivierte Beschaffungen
PJ S.R.L. war in der Vergangenheit ein Lieferant von
dienstleistungen für Unternehmen: Recht, Marketing, Consulting, Einstellungen, Druck und Sicherheit
In der Vergangenheit waren die konkurrierenden Bieter
ACTranslations GmbH
Altroff Consult OÜ
Alumnus Translation Company
Aniņš Jānis
Anni Pasanen
BBI Better Business International (Scotland) Ltd
Beate Maier
Birgitt Bohn
Buccellato Simonetta
Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter PJ S.R.L. erwähnt wird
Provision of Legal Translation in Italian and Maltese and Other Related Activities
European Central Bank
The European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking through this open procedure suppliers for the remote and in-house provision of legal translation and other related activities in IT (Lot 1) and MT (Lot 2). The ECB envisages to award up to 8 non-exclusive framework agreements per Lot.
Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten:
Daniela Teresa Maresu
Diana Vaccaro
Fiorella Dal Monte
Franco Bondin
Inprinting s.r.l.
Martina Lo Monaco
Simonetta Bucellato
Transcripta Translation Services Ltd
Invitation to tender for the provision of legal translation and other related services in several EU official languages
European Central Bank
The European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking through this open procedure suitable suppliers for legal translation and other related services in several EU languages, namely: Czech (lot 1); Dutch (lot 2); Estonian (lot 3); Finnish (lot 4); German (lot 5); Greek (lot 6); Italian (lot 7); Latvian (lot 8); Lithuanian (lot 9); Portuguese (lot 10); and Spanish (lot 11) (the ‘relevant languages’). Each relevant language represents 1 ‘Lot.’ For each lot the ECB intends to award non-exclusive framework service …
Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten:
ACTranslations GmbH
Altroff Consult OÜ
Alumnus Translation Company
Aniņš Jānis
Anni Pasanen
BBI Better Business International (Scotland) Ltd
Beate Maier
Birgitt Bohn
Buccellato Simonetta
CLS Communication Ltd (Lionbridge Technologies)
Dieter Rister
Goncalves Novo Magrarida
Jana Zahorszky
Kasuba Giedrius
Kateřina Pekárek
Lapsa Irēna Katrīne
Maresu Daniela Teresa
Martin Carlos Luengo
Mazzini Gabriele
Mielkaitiené Justina
Moura Ferreira Manuel
Oneliner Language and eBusiness Solutions bvba
OÜ Florente
Papangeli Vassiliki
Papanicolaou Maria
PianCo Oy
Pirkko Anttila
Rachel Uhlhorn
Repolusk-Stoppel Eva
Sarah Mandl
Sarah Vandendriessche
Sena da Silva Luís António
Stanulionis Tomas
Tejedor Guzmán Paloma
Tialiou Afroditi
Translated SRL
Ü-Werk GmbH
Vaccaro Diana
Vigário Dias Ivone Maria
Verwandte Suchen
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
ACTranslations GmbH
Altroff Consult OÜ
Alumnus Translation Company
Aniņš Jānis
Anni Pasanen
BBI Better Business International (Scotland) Ltd
Beate Maier
Birgitt Bohn
Buccellato Simonetta
Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen: Recht,...