Remote legal translation services from all other official European Union (EU) languages into English
The ECB's DIV/LEG needs to procure remote translation services for legal texts from all of the source languages (i.e. Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish) into United Kingdom English ('English'). DIV/LEG therefore seeks the services of up to 4 experienced tenderers, which are responsive and customer-service oriented, and produce high quality translations of legal texts into English from all of the source languages. The service providers will support DIV/LEG in coping with its high legal translation workload.
Currently, the ECB adopts approximately 100 opinions on draft national laws per year. There are also ad hoc requests from other ECB business areas to translate legal texts into English, for example, where a national authority or national central bank writes to the ECB in connection with a legal matter in one of the source languages without providing any English translation. In connection with the establishment of the single supervisory mechanism (SSM), DG/L also expects that there will be higher volumes of legal texts in the source languages to translate into English for the work of joint supervisory teams and an increased number of consultations on draft laws on supervisory matters.
These translation requests are often urgent and the translated texts are essential to enable a drafting panel to formulate an ECB opinion or response. The legal texts are often highly specialised and technical, so translators who are either legally qualified or who specialise in legal matters are essential.
This tender procedure concerns only legal translation and it is not intended to support DIV/LEG in other tasks. Currently, in addition to the procurement of legal translation services under this tender, DIV/LEG is procuring remote English legal editing services and in-house lawyer-linguist services (procurement reference number: 28752/L/LEG/2014). Therefore, these services will not form part of this tender.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2014-08-29.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2014-07-28.
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