Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The European Central Bank (ECB) is an EU institution which is responsible for the monetary policy of the European Union. The ECB fulfils this mandate together with the 19 national central banks (NCB’s) of the Member States whose currency is the euro (the ‘Eurosystem’). Since 2014, the ECB is also entrusted with the task of banking supervision within the European Union to ensure the stability of the banking system. This is conducted by the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) which consists of the ECB and the national supervisory authorities (NCA’s) of the participating countries. It currently employs around 3 500 staff members.
The ECB has, through the Talent Management Division of the Directorate General Human Resources, introduced an elaborated assessment of leadership and managerial skills in the context of recruitment and offers dedicated training courses and programmes to managers, advisers and team coordinators.
The ECB looked for a provider to design and to develop the services and works detailed below in close collaboration with the ECB, and to deliver these for current or future leaders at different levels of the organisation in the areas of:
(a) assessment of candidates for managerial or leadership positions:
• design, develop and deliver an assessment in recruitment, for succession planning, for mobility etc. by e.g. assessing behavioural competencies, potential, and provide a report with the findings.
b) Development programmes:
• design, develop and deliver tailored programmes across leadership levels or different leadership groups (including needs analysis of the profile and needs of the target groups); learning solutions can be e.g. shorter activities or modular programmes including 360 feedback, coaching, etc using modern learning tools for adult learners and where relevant connect cutting-edge academic research with the ECB’s daily leadership roles and organisational activities/complexities and offer business relevant practices, etc.
• design, develop and deliver tailored programmes across different cohorts to strengthen talent pipelines for ECB’s different career paths, inclusive of emerging leaders and/or expert career paths.
c) Measurement of leadership needs, outcome and impact in the form of data about organisational, team, individual, and business performance and as an integrated and ongoing part of the leadership development programme(s) and activities:
• design, develop and deliver an assessment, analysis and reporting of individual or collective leader needs and impact in the following instances:
(i) provide a benchmark for tracking individual leadership capability prior to, during and post programme participation to support individual progress, impact on self, others and the organisation and measure progress against leadership development goals, individual leader development plans and established benchmarks. The benchmark should also take into account the results of the assessment done as described in section a);
(ii) provide a benchmark for assessing and tracking collective leadership capability and impact prior to and post programme participation, at different leadership levels.
The successful provider should have had access to reliable scientific tools, research and methods to design and deliver leadership assessments, a concept/model on potential assessment and leadership development. It was further expected to have access to a wide range of providers, including market leaders offering training, leading universities, business schools or similar institutions that offer education on business topics as well as executive education i.e. programmes for executives and leaders, either tailor made or customised, for similar organisations.
The services and works under the contract may also be offered to staff and managers in the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) or in NCAs of the SSM.