Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The consultancy services will be delivered by Short term experts in form of technical and administrative services in the areas of citizens" awareness regarding corruption, institutional and operational capacities of existing specialised investigation and prosecution bodies, national criminal asset recovery system, systems of declaration of assets and conflicts of interest and preventive anti-corruption measures in three high-risk sectors. Cross-cutting areas include process management, organisational development, digitalisation, development of trainings, training of trainers (ToTs), monitoring & evaluation, gender mainstreaming, communication, presentation, time management and problem solving. A long-term expert, referred to as pool manager, will be responsible for the management of the short- and medium-term experts and consultants and will assess the need for consultancy services in close collaboration with the advisors, coordinators and manager of the ACDC Module.
The key activities to be supported by the tender include :
Civil society and corruption high-risk sectors
- Technical advice on establishing an integrated strategy for raising awareness of citizens at local, regional and national level, as well as for the mobilisation of citizens against corruption;
- Advice for establishing and maintaining cooperation between the main actors (Local Public Administration, CSOs, Citizens" Councils, citizens" grassroots initiatives, business associations, anti-corruption bodies);
- Capacity development of CSOs to fulfil their role as watchdog for transparent budget implementation, monitoring of public procurement, decision making, integrity and good governance;
- Capacity development for reporting on corruption practices and cases, for interactions with anti-corruption institutions, as well as for preventing and fighting corruption;
- Technical advice for developing and organizing educational activities in three high-risk sectors;
- Capacity-building in three sectoral ministries for the drafting of the new sectorial anti-corruption action plan;
- Technical advice and expertise in designing a new national anti-corruption and integrity strategy ensuring participatory approach and wide stake-holder engagement.
Increased institutional and operational capacities of the specialized investigation and prosecutor"s bodies
- Expert review of the regulations and procedures of the Anti-corruption Prosecutor"s Office (APO) and the Specialised Prosecutor's Office on Organised Crime and Special Causes (PCCOCS) in view of efficiency and effectiveness, exchange of information, ordinary and joint investigation and subsequent prosecution; reviewing procedural guidelines and elaborating practical recommendations;
- Advice on case analysis and elaboration of training modules: identifying and collecting typical complex cases of investigation, prosecution and trial of crimes of corruption, as well as of serious commercial or organized crime generating considerable economic profit;
- Advice on facilitating the work of International Joint Investigation Teams;
- Advice on conducting training needs analysis on additional topics, such as management and leadership, IT and software usage, statistics, reporting, communication, coordination and cooperation with other competent authorities and agencies related to criminal asset recovery and information of the public;
- ToTs: specialized classes for training of trainers and testing of cases in view of further professional qualification of investigators, prosecutors and judges; elaboration of trainers" manuals for methodological and case-oriented training.
- Provide international assistance through a mentorship program led by senior investigation and prosecution officers.
Assets Recovery System
Training of target groups on:
- methods and techniques on identification of criminal assets in the country and abroad;
- identification and documenting of assets" beneficial owners;
- analysis of banking documents for the identification of assets;
- use of open source information/intelligence for identification of assets;
- identification and seizure of crypto currencies as criminal assets;
- standards of proof for beneficial owners;
- good practices of extended confiscation;
- planning the seizure of criminal assets through the evaluation of financial profiles of investigation targets;
- international good practices on ensuring the preservation of seized criminal assets;
- recovery of assets confiscated abroad, including their repatriation;
- use of modern IT analysis software (SQL, IBase, MALTEGO).
Assets and personal / conflict of interest declarations
- Technical advice on efficient management of the system of control and declaration of the assets and of the personal interests/conflicts of interest;
- Review/drafting of regulatory documents on the efficient management of the system of control and declaration of the assets and of the personal interests/conflicts of interest;
- Develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the efficient management of the system of control and declaration of the assets and of the personal interests/conflicts of interest;
- Capacity building / training of officers/inspectors responsible for the control of the asset and personal interest declarations based on international standards and best practices;
- Capacity-building, technical advice and support for the implementation of the EU Common Assessment Framework (CAF) in anti-corruption institutions, in particular the National Integrity Authority (NIA).
All Project documents (reports, studies, trainings, analyses, assessments, strategies, etc.) have to be provided in English. Onsite technical advisory, workshops and certain documents need to be provided in Romanian and/or Russian, on demand.