The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) is a globally active company that supports the German Federal Government in achieving its goals of international cooperation for sustainable development and has been implementing projects and programmes worldwide in various thematic areas for many decades. This is done primarily on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), but also for other federal ministries or the European Commission. In addition, GIZ also works for international development agencies, financing institutions and governments of partner countries. Currently, more than 20,000 staff members are working on approximately 2,000 projects in about 120 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe from the headquarters in Bonn and Eschborn as well as from more than 90 GIZ country offices in the partner countries.
The Academy for International Cooperation (Academy, AIZ) is GIZ's in-house academy. It makes an important contribution to personnel development in international cooperation. As a centre of excellence for competence development, it prepares GIZ employees and managers, partners in projects and external customers to shape their own working environment and to overcome complex challenges.
Joint learning and networking as well as the interactive and learner-oriented design of real and virtual learning settings are characteristic of the entire portfolio of the Academy.
Die Frist für den Eingang der Angebote war 2023-09-12.
Die Ausschreibung wurde veröffentlicht am 2023-08-11.
Objekt Umfang der Beschaffung
“81298657_2: Framework Agreement - diversity trainings for managers and staff
Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Personalschulung📦
Kurze Beschreibung:
“The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) is a globally active company that supports the German Federal Government in achieving...”
Kurze Beschreibung
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) is a globally active company that supports the German Federal Government in achieving its goals of international cooperation for sustainable development and has been implementing projects and programmes worldwide in various thematic areas for many decades. This is done primarily on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), but also for other federal ministries or the European Commission. In addition, GIZ also works for international development agencies, financing institutions and governments of partner countries. Currently, more than 20,000 staff members are working on approximately 2,000 projects in about 120 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe from the headquarters in Bonn and Eschborn as well as from more than 90 GIZ country offices in the partner countries.
The Academy for International Cooperation (Academy, AIZ) is GIZ's in-house academy. It makes an important contribution to personnel development in international cooperation. As a centre of excellence for competence development, it prepares GIZ employees and managers, partners in projects and external customers to shape their own working environment and to overcome complex challenges.
Joint learning and networking as well as the interactive and learner-oriented design of real and virtual learning settings are characteristic of the entire portfolio of the Academy.
Zusätzliche Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung📦
Zusätzliche Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Erwachsenenbildung und sonstiger Unterricht📦
Zusätzliche Produkte/Dienstleistungen: Schulungsseminare📦
Ort der Leistung: Bonn, Kreisfreie Stadt🏙️
Hauptstandort oder Erfüllungsort: Akademie für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (AIZ) In der Wehrhecke 1 53125 Bonn
Beschreibung der Beschaffung:
“The tender consists of four lots. The goal is to contract one contractor per lot. The contractor is responsible to implement the diversity trainings for...”
Beschreibung der Beschaffung
The tender consists of four lots. The goal is to contract one contractor per lot. The contractor is responsible to implement the diversity trainings for managers and staff of the respective lot. The lots of the framework agreement shall be divided as follows:
- Lot 1 81298657_1: German - 1 key-manager and with up to 8 trainers
- Lot 2 81298657_2: English - 1 key-manager and with up to 10 trainers
- Lot 3 81298657_3: Spanish - 1 key-manager and with up to 6 trainers
- Lot 4 81298657_4: French - 1 key-manager and with up to 6 trainers
It is possible to submit an offer for one, several or all lots at the same time. In such case, for each lot a separate and complete set of application and offer documents is needed (including all documents CVs, self-declaration, technical offer etc.). The selection process for each lot is independent to the other lots. If you apply for several lots, please be aware that trainings of different lots (in different languages) can take place at the same time.
If a contractor applies for several lots, we recommend, for reasons of efficiency, to propose the same key manager for different lots. Thus, less coordination effort is required if one key-manger is responsible for more than one lot and trainer pool.
The contract period of the framework agreement per lot will cover a period of 24 months (from the beginning of the contract on) with the option of extending the contract duration for a further 24 months. Overall, the expected contract duration is a maximum period of 48 months from the beginning of the contract.
An estimated quantity of 208 trainings for managers and 80 trainings for staff for all lots in 48 months is expected (average value). The maximum number of trainings is 240 trainings for the managers and 112 trainings for the staff training. These estimated and maximum number of trainings are expected to be distributed among the individual lots (see Terms of Reference).
Mehr anzeigen Vergabekriterien
Der Preis ist nicht das einzige Zuschlagskriterium, und alle Kriterien werden nur in den Auftragsunterlagen genannt
Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems
Der nachstehende Zeitrahmen ist in Monaten ausgedrückt.
Dauer: 24
Laufzeit des Vertrags, der Rahmenvereinbarung oder des dynamischen Beschaffungssystems
Dieser Vertrag ist verlängerbar ✅ Beschreibung
Beschreibung der Verlängerungen:
“GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender....”
Beschreibung der Verlängerungen
GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.
Mehr anzeigen Informationen über Optionen
Optionen ✅
Beschreibung der Optionen:
“GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender....”
Beschreibung der Optionen
GIZ may optionally commission contract amendments and/or increases based on the criteria in the tender documents to the successful bidder of this tender. For details, please see the terms of reference.
Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche, finanzielle und technische Informationen Bedingungen für die Teilnahme
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen:
“1. Self-declaration: name of company and address, tax ID, registration and commercial register number or equivalent register in accordance with the legal...”
Liste und kurze Beschreibung der Bedingungen
1. Self-declaration: name of company and address, tax ID, registration and commercial register number or equivalent register in accordance with the legal provisions of the country of origin.
2. No grounds for exclusion pursuant to § 123, § 124 GWB, § 22 LkSG
3. Declaration of bidding consortium and/or declaration of subcontractors (if applicable)
“1. Average annual turnover for the last three years (last-but-four financial year can be included in case of tenders held within 6 months of end of last...”
1. Average annual turnover for the last three years (last-but-four financial year can be included in case of tenders held within 6 months of end of last financial year), at least: 300.000,00 EUR
2. Average number of employees and managers in the last three calendar years, at least 6 persons
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Bedingungen für die Teilnahme (technische und berufliche Fähigkeiten):
“1. The technical assessment is only based on reference projects with a minimum commission value of 2.000,00 EUR.
2. At least 4 reference projects in the...”
Bedingungen für die Teilnahme (technische und berufliche Fähigkeiten)
1. The technical assessment is only based on reference projects with a minimum commission value of 2.000,00 EUR.
2. At least 4 reference projects in the technical field Diversity and/or Anti-Discrimination and at least 3 reference projects in the region world in the last 3 years.
Verfahren Art des Verfahrens
Offenes Verfahren
Informationen über eine Rahmenvereinbarung oder ein dynamisches Beschaffungssystem
Rahmenvertrag mit einem einzigen Betreiber
Administrative Informationen
Frist für den Eingang von Angeboten oder Teilnahmeanträgen: 2023-09-12
12:00 📅
Sprachen, in denen Angebote oder Teilnahmeanträge eingereicht werden können: Englisch 🗣️
Das Angebot muss gültig sein bis: 2024-01-31 📅
Bedingungen für die Öffnung der Angebote: 2023-09-12
12:00 📅
Ergänzende Informationen Informationen über elektronische Arbeitsabläufe
Die elektronische Bestellung wird verwendet
Zusätzliche Informationen
“All communication takes place in English via communication tool in the project area of the procurement portal.
Bekanntmachungs-ID: CXTRYY6Y1M0GDL93” Körper überprüfen
Name: Die Vergabekammern des Bundes
Postanschrift: Villemombler Straße 76
Postort: Bonn
Postleitzahl: 53123
Land: Deutschland 🇩🇪
Telefon: +49 2289499-0📞
Fax: +49 2289499-163 📠
URL:🌏 Verfahren zur Überprüfung
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren:
“According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as
1. the...”
Genaue Informationen über Fristen für Überprüfungsverfahren
According to Article 160, Section 3 of the German Act Against Restraint of Competition (GWB), application for review is not permissible insofar as
1. the applicant has identified the claimed infringement of the procurement rules before submitting the application for review and has not submitted a complaint to the contracting authority within a period of 10 calendar days; the expiry of the period pursuant to Article 134, Section 2 remains unaffected,
2. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that are evident in the tender notice are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for the application or by the deadline for the submission of bids, specified in the tender notice.
3. complaints of infringements of procurement rules that first become evident in the tender documents are not submitted to the contracting authority at the latest by the expiry of the deadline for application or by the deadline for the submission of bids,
4. more than 15 calendar days have expired since receipt of notification from the contracting authority that it is unwilling to redress the complaint.
Sentence 1 does not apply in the case of an application to determine the invalidity of the contract in accordance with Article 135, Section 1 (2). Article 134, Section 1, Sentence 2 remains unaffected.
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Quelle: OJS 2023/S 156-498866 (2023-08-11)