2023-03-20   EnBW Offshore-Windfarm He Dreiht: Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) including supporting telemedical &... (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) including supporting telemedical & offshore emergency paramedic services for the construction phase of the EnBW Offshore-Windfarm He Dreiht Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2023-02-24   Set up and Operation of HSE Coordination for the offshore wind farm He Dreiht (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
Set up and Operation of HSE Coordination for the offshore wind farm He Dreiht Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Ingenieurbüro J. Mielniczek Inros Lackner SE
2023-02-20   Environmental monitoring during construction phase for OWP EnBW He Dreiht and monitoring during operational phase... (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
Environmental monitoring during construction phase for OWP EnBW He Dreiht and monitoring during operational phase for OWP EnBW He Dreiht. According to the standard Investigation of the impacts of offshore wind turbines on the marine environment (StUK4). Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2023-02-09   Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) He Dreiht - CM EOST (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
Employer's Offshore Service Team (EOST) Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: OIS Offshore Industrie Service GmbH
2022-10-17   Setup and Operation of Marine Coordination during the Construction Phase of the Offshore Wind Farm He Dreiht (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
Provision of qualified Marine Coordinators in various shift systems and Marine Coordinator assistance as well as necessary VTMS soft- /hardware during the Construction Phase of the Offshore Wind Farm He Dreiht. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: SeaRenergy Offshore Holding GmbH & Cie. KG
2022-07-05   He Dreiht - Marine Warranty Survey (MWS) (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
EnBW has engaged an insurance company to cover risks during transport and installation for different trades of the He Dreiht wind farm through the CAR insurance. Part of the insurance contract is the requirement of a MWS contractor to be appointed by the Client. MWS (Marine Warranty Surveyor) means the inspectors to be engaged by the Contractor. For the MWS service, the Scope of Work will be splitted into following sub-trades: 1. Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) 2. Foundation (FOU) 3. Inner Array Grid (IAG) Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Con4Mare GmbH & Cie. KG Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services GmbH
2022-06-02   Construction & Operation All Risks Insurance for Offshore Windfarm EnBW He Dreiht (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
Insurance Package Policy for Offshore Wind Farm EnBW He Dreiht, consisting of 64 offshore wind turbines (total capacity of 960 MW) including but not limited to foundations and inner-array cables (no offshore substation). . The Insurance Package Policy consists of the following two PHASES: . PHASE I - Offshore Wind Farm Construction All Risks (CAR) Property Damage and Third Party Liability (TPL) Project Package Policy and (only OPTIONAL) Delay-in Start-up (DSU) Insurance . PHASE II - Offshore Wind Farm … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2022-05-03   Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) He Dreiht - ECG - 5G Campus (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
Planning, delivery and commissioning of a Private 5G Stand Alone (SA) Communication System for the construction and O&M phase of the Offshore Windfarm "He Dreiht". Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: ATS Elektronik GmbH
2022-04-19   Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) He Dreiht - TETRA/VHF Radio System (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
Planning, delivery and commissioning of a TETRA and VHF radio system for the construction and O&M phase of the Offshore Windfarm "He Dreiht". Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: ATS Elektronik GmbH
2022-04-14   Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) He Dreiht - UXO Survey and Identification (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
Carry out a UXO geophysical survey and UXO ID&C campaign Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Fugro Netherlands Marine B.V.
2021-08-16   Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) He Dreiht - Lot Foundation Transition Piece (TP) for Monopiles (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
The assumed Scope will be Transition Pieces (TP) for monopiles: the procurement of steel, the fabrication of app. 64 TP with an expected maximum bottom diameter of app. 8,6m and an expected maximum length of app. 32m comprise fully finalized to be installed offshore. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: SIF Netherlands BV Smulders Projects Belgium N.V.
2021-02-15   Transport and Installation of Foundations for the Offshore Windfarm ‘EnBW He Dreiht’ (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
The Tendering Company plans the installation of the Offshore Wind Farm ‘EnBW He Dreiht’ with 900 MW grid capacity, approximately 90 km of the North Sea coast. The tenderer shall bid for the foundation transport and installation (TI) scope. The scope includes the following main points: — TI scour protection incl. supply of rock material, — Handling, storage and logistics at the base port, — TI monopile (MP), — TI anode cage (AC) and transition piece (TP) incl. grouted connection, — Rest works, secondary … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland SE
2021-01-27   Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) He Dreiht — Lot Main Automation Contractor (MAC) (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
The EnBW He Dreiht GmbH seeks to contract the scope of the Main Automation Contractor (MAC) work package. This scope includes the engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning of the Main Automation System (MAS) in the Offshore Wind Farm. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2020-12-18   Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) He Dreiht — Lot Foundation Monopile (MP) (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
The EnBW He Dreiht GmbH seeks to contract the scope of the Monopile package. The scope includes the procurement of steel, manufacturing and delivery of the Monopiles (MP). Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Steelwind Nordenham GmbH
2020-04-16   HD_CRT_Projektzertifizierung EnBW He Dreiht (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
Die EnBW He Dreiht GmbH schreibt die Zertifizierung des Offshore Windparks „EnBW He Dreiht" in der Deutschen Nordsee nach BSH aus. Die Ausschreibung umfasst die Zertifizierungsleistung hinführend 2., 3. und 4. Freigabe für die Gewerke Windenergieanlage (WTG), Fundament der Windenergieanlage (FOU) und Offshore Plattform (OSP) nach BSH Standard Konstruktion 2015. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
2020-04-07   HD_FOU_Detailed Design (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
EnBW He Dreiht GmbH tenders the detailed design of the substructures and foundations of wind turbines for the offshore wind project ‘EnBW He Dreiht’ in the German North Sea (Exclusive Economic Zone) according BSH regulations. The scope contains mainly: — structural design (jacket and monopile), — electrical and mechanical design, — corrosion protection design. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Jörss — Blunck — Ordemann GmbH
2019-12-18   Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) He Dreiht — Lot Wind Turbine Generator (EnBW He Dreiht GmbH)
Planning, production, delivery, installation, commissioning, trial operation, documentation and service of WTG's for an OWF. Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: Vestas Deutschland GmbH