Anbieter: AAC Global Oy

4 archivierte Beschaffungen

Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter AAC Global Oy erwähnt wird

2020-02-26   Legal Translation and other Related Activities in Several EU Official Languages (European Central Bank)
The European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking through this open procedure suitable suppliers for the remote and in-house provision of legal translation and other related activities in several EU languages, namely: — Czech (lot 1), — Danish (lot 2), — Greek (lot 3), — Spanish (lot 4), — Estonian (lot 5), — Finnish (lot 6), — Lithuanian (lot 7), — Latvian (lot 8), — Dutch (lot 9), — Portuguese (lot 10), and — Swedish (lot 11), (the ‘relevant languages’). Each relevant language represents one ‘Lot.’ For each … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: AAC Global Oy Altroff Consult OÜ Alumnus Translation Company Analogica AB Anna Tourtoura Annemarie Onsman Translation Services Anni Pasanen Carlos Luengo Martin Day Translations, Inc. Eglė Bangaitienė Eutex Intertranslations S.A. Ivone Maria Vigario Dias Jana Zahorszky Jānis Aniņš Koch Translation Lengoo GmbH LexiLux Language Solutions (Ltd) LMI Translations LLC LTES Language Technology & Education Services LTD Luís António Sena da Silva Luman Asesores S.L. Manuel Moura Ferreira Marta Cerdan Bonnemaison Mondragon Lingua, S.Coop Nafsika Petkou Orange Tree s.r.o. Ordbalans AB OÜ Florente Peristera Dimopoulou PianCo Oy Quentin Hubeau S. Pavlidis & SIA OE (Glossima & Wehrheim) SeproTec Traducción e Interpretación S.L. Skrivanek s.r.o. Technografia Ltd Vassiliki Papangeli Vytautas Kacerauskis
2019-05-23   Provision of Editing and Translation Services into English of Financial, Supervisory and Economic Documents and... (European Central Bank)
The European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking suppliers for the provision of editing and proof-reading of texts drafted in English and the provision of translation of financial, supervisory and economic documents, as well as related services, and intends to award non-exclusive framework service agreements (the ‘Contracts’) to the suppliers offering the best value for money. The ECB intends to award contracts for 7 lots as follows: Lot 1: Editing and proof-reading of texts drafted in English; Lot 2: … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: AAC Global Oy BBi (Scotland) Ltd Bilingual Industries Ltd Carl Alber Sholl Carl Albert Sholl David Swain DNA Language Ltd Emily Orlowski exact! Sprachenservice und... Fran Lawrence Gemma Fry Global Voices Ltd Hancock Hutton Langues Services SARL Investrans Oy LingServe Ltd Lionbridge International Unlimited Company Marian Dougan Matthew Hart Peter Alan Bruce Barber (trading as... Peter Barber t/a Euronet Translations Roger Merrett RWS Language Solutions Ltd SDL Plc Seprotec Traducción e Interpretación SL SEPROTEC TRADUCCIÓN E INTERPRETACIÓN, S.L Technicis Finance TG: Emily Orlowski/Gemma Fry/Marian Dougan Translate Plus Limited Translator Legal and Financial, S.L. UBIQUS Traduction v.o.f. sbv anderetaal Veritas Traducción y Comunicacíon, S.L. Wessex Translations Limited Wessex Translations Ltd
2017-09-08   Provision of translation services from Estonian, Finnish and Latvian into English (European Central Bank)
The European Central Bank (ECB) is looking through this open procedure for suppliers for the provision of translation services from Estonian, Finnish and Latvian into English. The requested services will be divided into 3 lots: — lot 1: the provision of translation services from Estonian into English, — lot 2: the provision of translation services from Latvian into English, — lot 3: the provision of translation services from Finnish into English. The ECB intends to award framework contracts (the … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: AAC Global Oy AD VERBUM Ltd Avatar OÜ Intertranslations Ltd Noode OÜ RixTrans Ltd Semantix Finland Oy Tekstityö Sirpa Meriläinen Ulla Lehto Ulle Allsalu Wessex Translations Limited
2017-05-02   Provision of translation of financial and economic documents from English into certain other official European Union... (European Central Bank)
The European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking through this open procedure suitable suppliers for the in-house and remote provision of translation and other related services from English into certain EU languages, namely for: Germanic and Finno-Ugric languages (GFU): lot DA, Danish; lot NL, Dutch; lot ET, Estonian; lot FI, Finnish; lot DE, German; lot HU, Hungarian; lot SV, Swedish. Romance and Mediterranean languages (RML): lot FR, French; lot EL, Greek; lot IT, Italian; lot PT, Portuguese; lot RO, … Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten: AAC Global Oy Adele Oliveri Agnieszka Fabisiak ALINEA Financial Translations GbR Amidas doo Ana Vozone Ana-Maria Andronache Analogica AB András Ottlik Andrej Svetlićić Anita Graafland Anna Guillerm Archetype Translations Ltd Balázs Vásári Beate Maier Birgitt Bohn Brando Consulting OÜ Branislav Húska Brenda Mudde Catherine Brandenburg-Simeone Dace Kruste Daniel Jonsson David Bequé Dimitra Stathopoulou Easytranslate A/S Eglė Bangaitienė Elena Magistro Emilia Lazanowska Erik Mächs Eutex Exe AS Gabriela Tzekova Gáspár Bence eV Gun Leeberg Hristina Nikolova Bankina Ina Jatautiene Ingrid Alves Grau Intercontact Budapest Kft Intertranslations S.A. Intertranslations SA Investrans Oy Issel Nord SrL Iuliana Bozkurt Iuridico Legal and Financial Translations Iveta Zemture Jagoda Okla Jan Granroth-Hasselgren Jan Šmrha Jānis Aniņš Johanna Maria Blomqvist Jon García-Mugica Juliette Blume Justina Mielkaitienė Jutta Knoke Kai Zimmermann Kateřina Barochová Kern AG Klitos Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos Palyvos Krisztina Olasz Lada Petkova Leena Leinonen Lena Koch Lena-Mari Bergström Lene Bigum Christensen Lionbridge International Unlimited Company Livewords Luís António Sena da Silva Maria Antonietta Fusco Mariana Sousa Moreira Marie-Claude Nicod Marjana Karer Marta Alonso Pérez Mathilda Haraldsson Mihaela Craciunescu Milan Havlín PRESTO Noode OÜ ONCALL Europa Language Services P and V International Servicing Ltd Pásztor and Pásztor Kkt Petra Dorn Petra Vojtová Polona Prodnik Raimondas Lipinskas Ricardo López Casanueva Ryszard Moskal Sandra Janisch Sara Reyniers Semantix A/S SeproTec Traducción e Interpretación S.L. Seprotec Traducción e Interpretación SL Sofita Ltd Sophie Marnat Sprachenservice und Informationsmanagement GmbH Tanya Kirova Tekstityö Sirpa Meriläinen Telelingua International Titia Schuurman Translator Legal and Financial S.L. TransPerfect Translations BV Transverbis SRL Ü-Werk GmbH Ubiqus Finance et Juridique SAS Uhlingo — Rachel Uhlhorn Ulle Allsalu Viera Hocková Welocalize Italy Srl Wordflow Translation and Software GmbH Yoana Stoyanova