Öffentliches Auftragswesen in Deutschland
Anbieter: Wessex Translations Limited
Anbieter: Wessex Translations Limited
5 archivierte Beschaffungen
Wessex Translations Limited war in der Vergangenheit ein Lieferant von
dienstleistungen für Unternehmen: Recht, Marketing, Consulting, Einstellungen, Druck und Sicherheit
In der Vergangenheit waren die konkurrierenden Bieter
AAC Global Oy
Avatar OÜ
exact! Sprachenservice und Informationsmanagement GmbH
Lionbridge International Unlimited Company
Ulle Allsalu
Acolad Luxembourg S.A
Acolad Luxembourg S.A.
Adele Oliveri
Neuere Beschaffungen, bei denen der Anbieter Wessex Translations Limited erwähnt wird
Provision of translation of financial and economic documents from English into Danish (DA), Dutch (NL), Estonian...
European Central Bank
The European Central Bank is seeking through this open procedure suppliers for the provision of translation of financial and economic documents from English into Danish (DA), Dutch (NL), Estonian (ET), French (FR), German (DE), Italian (IT), Slovenian (SL) and Swedish (SV), and related works and services as follows: — mainly to translate largely financial and economic ECB texts from English into the above-mentioned target languages; — revise ECB texts translated into the target languages; — post-edit …
Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten:
Acolad Luxembourg S.A
Acolad Luxembourg S.A.
Adele Oliveri
Aglatech14 S.p.A.
Akord Mojca Berce s.p.
Amidas d.o.o.
Analogica AB
Andrej Svetlićić
Anna Guillerm
Archetype Translations Ltd
Avatar OÜ
Avatar Translation Bureau (Avatar OÜ)
Brando Consulting OÜ
Brenda Mudde
Communicationwise bvba
De Moel Vertalingen
exact! Sprachenservice und...
Gitta Schlemme
Gun Leeberg
IOLAR informatika v besedi d.o.o.
Kai Zimmermann
KERN Group, Global Language Services
Koch Translation
Lena-Mari Bergström
Lionbridge International Unlimited Company
LT Lawtank
Luisa Tõlkebüroo OÜ / Luisa Translation Agency
Maria Antonietta Fusco
Maria Antonietta Fusco (the
Petra Dorn
Polona Prodnik Brumec – Besedni zaklad,...
Rachel Uhlhorn
SeproTec Traducción e Interpretación S.L.
Stefan Pooth
Tanja Scheuermann
Traduno Technologies SRL
Ulle Allsalu
Welocalize Italy Srl
Wessex Translations Limited
Wordminds SRL
Wordminds Translations LTD
Provision of Editing and Translation Services into English of Financial, Supervisory and Economic Documents and...
European Central Bank
The European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking suppliers for the provision of editing and proof-reading of texts drafted in English and the provision of translation of financial, supervisory and economic documents, as well as related services, and intends to award non-exclusive framework service agreements (the ‘Contracts’) to the suppliers offering the best value for money. The ECB intends to award contracts for 7 lots as follows: Lot 1: Editing and proof-reading of texts drafted in English; Lot 2: …
Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten:
AAC Global Oy
BBi (Scotland) Ltd
Bilingual Industries Ltd
Carl Alber Sholl
Carl Albert Sholl
David Swain
DNA Language Ltd
Emily Orlowski
exact! Sprachenservice und...
Fran Lawrence
Gemma Fry
Global Voices Ltd
Hancock Hutton Langues Services SARL
Investrans Oy
LingServe Ltd
Lionbridge International Unlimited Company
Marian Dougan
Matthew Hart
Peter Alan Bruce Barber (trading as...
Peter Barber t/a Euronet Translations
Roger Merrett
RWS Language Solutions Ltd
Seprotec Traducción e Interpretación SL
Technicis Finance
TG: Emily Orlowski/Gemma Fry/Marian Dougan
Translate Plus Limited
Translator Legal and Financial, S.L.
UBIQUS Traduction
v.o.f. sbv anderetaal
Veritas Traducción y Comunicacíon, S.L.
Wessex Translations Limited
Wessex Translations Ltd
Provision of translation services from Estonian, Finnish and Latvian into English
European Central Bank
The European Central Bank (ECB) is looking through this open procedure for suppliers for the provision of translation services from Estonian, Finnish and Latvian into English. The requested services will be divided into 3 lots: — lot 1: the provision of translation services from Estonian into English, — lot 2: the provision of translation services from Latvian into English, — lot 3: the provision of translation services from Finnish into English. The ECB intends to award framework contracts (the …
Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten:
AAC Global Oy
Avatar OÜ
Intertranslations Ltd
Noode OÜ
RixTrans Ltd
Semantix Finland Oy
Tekstityö Sirpa Meriläinen
Ulla Lehto
Ulle Allsalu
Wessex Translations Limited
Invitation to tender for the provision of translation services into English
European Central Bank
The European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking through this open procedure suitable suppliers for: the provision of translation from a range of EU languages, namely Bulgarian (lot 1), Spanish (lot 2), Czech (lot 3), Danish (lot 4), German (lot 5), Estonian (lot 6), French (lot 7), Croatian (lot 8), Italian (lot 9), Latvian (Lot 10), Lithuanian (lot 11), Hungarian (lot 12), Maltese (lot 13), Dutch (lot 14), Polish (lot 15), Portuguese (lot 16), Romanian (lot 17) Slovak (lot 18) and Swedish (lot 19) into …
Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten:
Alexander Spivack (4th-ranked in pool B)
Alexander Spivack (5th-ranked in pool B)
Alumnus Translation Company (1st-ranked...
Better Business International (Scotland)...
Carl Sholl (2nd-ranked in pool B)
Carl Sholl (first-ranked in pool B)
Carl Sholl (first-ranked, no pools)
CLS Communication Ltd (4th-ranked, no pools)
CLS Communication Ltd (8th-ranked in pool B)
CLS Communication Ltd (first-ranked in...
CLS Communication Ltd (first-ranked in pool B)
CLS Communication Ltd (fourth-ranked in pool B)
CLS Communication Ltd (second-ranked...
DG Translations
DNA Language Ltd (no pools, 3rd-ranked)
Duncan Gilson (8th-ranked in pool B)
Eclipse Translations (3rd-ranked, no pools)
Eclipse Translations (4th-ranked in pool B)
Eclipse Translations (6th-ranked in pool B)
Eclipse Translations (7th-ranked in pool B)
Eclipse Translations (no pools, 2nd-ranked)
Eglė Bangaitienė (3rd-ranked in pool B)
Euronet Transations t/a Euronet...
Euronet Translations t/a Euronet...
Euronet Translations t/a Euronet...
Euronet Translations t/a Euronet...
Euronet Translations t/a Euronet...
Euronet Translations t/a Euronet...
EXACT! Sprachenservice und...
FORDuna Fordító Kft (no pools, 1st-ranked)
Fran Lawrence (3rd-ranked in pool B)
Fran Lawrence (5th-ranked in pool B)
Hathaway Green (6th-ranked in pool B)
Lidija Mckinney (only contractor awarded)
Lilyana Vachkova
Matrix Communications GmbH (9th-ranked in pool B)
Matthew Hart (1st-ranked in pools A and B)
Matthew Hart (first-ranked in pools A and B)
P & V International Servicing Ltd (no...
Paul Skidmore (7th-ranked in pool B)
R. Sochorec (second-ranked in pool B)
RR Donnelley SARL (2nd-ranked in pools A and B)
RR Donnelley SARL (4th-ranked in pool B)
RR Donnelley SARL (third-ranked in pool B)
SBV Anderetaal (2nd-ranked, no pools)
SeproTec Multilingual Solutions...
The Language Technology Centre Ltd...
The Language Technology Centre Ltd...
The Language Technology Centre Ltd...
Translate Plus Limited (first-ranked in...
UAB Metropolio vertimai (2nd-ranked in pool B)
Veritas Traducción y Comunicación...
Wessex Translations Limited
Wessex Translations Limited (2nd-ranked in pool B)
Wessex Translations Limited (3rd-ranked in pool B)
Wessex Translations Limited (6th-ranked in pool B)
Wessex Translations Limited (first-ranked...
Wessex Translations Limited (no pools, 1st-ranked)
Wessex Translations Limited...
Wessex Translations Limited (third-ranked...
Remote legal translation services from all other official European Union (EU) languages into English
European Central Bank
The ECB's DIV/LEG needs to procure remote translation services for legal texts from all of the source languages (i.e. Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish) into United Kingdom English ('English'). DIV/LEG therefore seeks the services of up to 4 experienced tenderers, which are responsive and customer-service oriented, and produce …
Ansicht der Beschaffung »
Erwähnte Lieferanten:
Eclipse Translations Ltd
Wessex Translations Limited
Verwandte Suchen
Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt
AAC Global Oy
Avatar OÜ
exact! Sprachenservice und...
Lionbridge International Unlimited Company
Ulle Allsalu
Acolad Luxembourg S.A
Acolad Luxembourg S.A.
Adele Oliveri
Dienstleistungen für Unternehmen: Recht,...